Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fire and Brimstone

Sometimes you see a set of pictures that is so phenomenal that you just can help but think it's fake. (lol, omg Photoshopped! :p) This happens to be one of those sets.
This happens to be interesting in one of two ways. Scientifically, this is a great example of the electric storms that can occur around a volcanic eruption. The cause is the pretty much the same, but instead of ice particles coliding with each other to create static electricity, you have pieces of super heated volcanic particulate.
This is also an example of one of a phenomenal, once in a life time photo ops. These photos are immediately iconic and carry an impact that will far out live the lifetime of the reporter that took them. Unfortunately for him, it looks like they sold the writes to the pictures to Reuters.
Let that be a lesson kiddies, keep your friends close and your copyrights closer. :p

Best reference I found to the whole series of pictures.

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